Wednesday 25 September 2013

Armagh The Saints Land

To be honest, I am not a religious person, but I have fate in religion after all its the only company in the world that never ever goes into liquidation. Here I am  taking a shot over looking the other St Patrick Cathedral (Church of England). I am at the doorstep of Roman Catholic St Patrick wondering if Paddy was here, which church will he go first.

As usual, the Roman Catholic are really impressive, more of a richness feel, what I am trying to say is basically they are loaded. Unlike the other church, you can easily define what church you're in as soon as you enter the main entrance. Until today, I still can't figure out why churches have a main door but to enter you have to go through the side door. Is that door only for Jesus or the Saints? 

 You gotta be kidding me, I wonder how many Brasso needed to polish this. I have hard time polishing my door bell which is smaller than an apple, let alone this.

Sometimes it's easier to introduce new ipad games than Jesus. He is asking for an upgrade IOS 7 on his Ipad mini. Well, that's the new generation. I wonder whether there is any game that focus on bible understanding for toddlers.

So as you go up the stairs, you are watch by 11 saints which I think they are and 2 more on the side. Don't recognized any of them as they look the same to me. I wonder why 11 not a dozen of them. Are they saints or apostle?

This Church here is St Patrick ( Church of England ) have been destroy 17 times. Its hard to understand mankind, destroy, rebuilt destroy rebuilt and why would  they want to do that. Why can't they just leave religion alone, they got nothing to do with power hunger politician. I begin to hate politics. Its all man made trouble. Here they are now refurbish to make it look good.

Met the Priest there and have a few chat. Life is simple why so complicate. If you have sorrow drop in the church anywhere you are, let god absorb all your trouble. No matter how hard you try and at the end of the day you are in the hands of God. 

The Last Supper unlike the Leonardo, its drawn in a different era. When was the last time you have supper with 12 people?

We didn't expect to get into 2 churches at the same time, and the it make me feel a traitor, first to Roman Catholic then to Church of England. But then think again, St Patrick have 2 big Cathedral to go to, why not us. Doesn't matter its RC or COE as long as religion is concern we can find solidarity there. While others find that in Facebook. At least, I feel great in any of them without the hassle of answering the mobile or checking my FB for the next 3 hours.

Monday 16 September 2013

St Doulagh The Hermit

When you hear the rung of the bell, most of the time its the call for a prayer. For 3 times a day at a 6 hour interval it rings. But today, many don't notice it, except for some religious folks you see on the bus or walkway, some will do the gesture of respect. Now, we going to take you back to the 6th century where the practice of anchorite does exist in Ireland. Historian describe they are individually seclude themselves in caves or chambers. Here in Ireland few kilometres from Dublin city, there is an old church dated back 12th century where a Saint live.

Let me give you a guided tour into the world of Hermits, see the picture of the left a plaque, that's is Rev Richard  Meade Swift, first cousin of Johnathan Swift, the book you probably read when you were just a boy 'Gullivers Travel'. He is buried right here in the graveyard beside the church. Walk straight into the altar turn right, you will will be transported back to the past where most monks lived and pray during the early 12th century.

As you enter, we are facing the altar and beside there is a fireplace, note the stones are pretty small as to compare with the later version of  churches or monasteries. If you look carefully, the design is about the same as Mellifont, Monasterboice and St Kevin in Glendalough. Under need the floor which is covered with Liscannor flag stone lies many skeletons exhume from the graveyard. Its not really a big church from inside. But from outside it seems like a castle or fortress. Probably the walls are very thick. You see gallant in this old church. There are no tainted glass, no huge murals or richness of a church. I guess its the way of the Hermits. Chairs, Windows, Lectern and everything is slightly smaller than average size. Probably its a way of life during that time, however these are all replicas. Its very simple church, and pretty eerie too.

On the right side of the altar, you see a hole. Interesting isn't it? Why? It was during the medieval time, there are lots of Lepers in Ireland, they are not allow to enter the church for prevent the disease to be spread to others. That's where Leopardstown name came from. Most of are damn. But the church don't. The little hole there is for receiving their sacrament.
 At the back of the hall, a strange hole. The hall is actually not big, didn't measure but I guess its about 18"x10", we still in ground floor. This hole suppose to have super healing power. It was said to cure many illness with regards to headache. So I pop my head in and kiss the black stone, like what I did in Blarney Castle. I got a tumor remove years ago, but the headache still lingers in my head. Strange but it works for me till now as I write. Will see  what happen for the next few days.

After what I did, David our guide told me its the tomb of St Doulagh, I am kissing the side of the stone tomb.

Going up was scary, I wonder why the steps are so narrow and small, probably those days the people are either small or very skinny due to less food or maybe it was design to keep the invaders with armor suit from going up. The steps are uneven, and it seem all the stones are well polish through centuries of walking up and down. Piece of advice, its not an easy climb. If you overweight or have babies its not advisable to do it. There are three stories flight of stairs up and going down in different direction. Its like a maze inside, although its small but the interior are made in such a way that makes you feel lost inside without a guide.

 Here suppose to be the bedroom of St Doulagh, there are no beds, it was believe they sleep on hays, its quite cold in here. Stop complaining about your bed now.

See something odd about this seat. Its not round neither its straight forward. Suppose to be the seat for the Abbot of this church, slightly angle to a small window to the left. It give a view directly to the Well, where the Abbot can see the happenings going on down there. The Well is pretty small with 2' of water during that time and overflow to a kind of a bath where they do the baptism. I guess they must have lots of baptism going on during those days. Now the water have run dry, its a ruins.

Imagine how small and steep the spiral stairs are, not easy to hold a camera and the other hand to catch my little boy in case he falls. Its design in such a way which is not good for left handler. Its build clockwise from bottom, so the right handler wants to invade by climbing up, he will in for a big surprise, the monks from the top can defeat him from the right. Pretty complicate isn't it. Experience it yourself.
They don't open for public on normal days except Sunday from 3pm to 5pm. for visitation. NO charge but some contribution are appreciated.

This is called the 'Murder Hole', and from the top if anyone dares to fight the way in, they will be splashed with hot oil or arrows. I thought most religious people are calm and kind. But they have no choice, they need to stop intruders or invaders. I bet they are probably rich and powerful those days, maybe not the hermit or monks but the Abbot. It is so strong that this building still survives till today probably due to the design.

Its not a steps, this lead you to nowhere, but under here lies the infamous St Doulagh, the opposite side is where my head was shove in to received cures from his grave. There are no evidence of his body lies in there as excavation of this part are prohibited. If a stories lasted so long and historians can provide so much details, there is no reason for me not to believe. Rox felt some presents in here, maybe she is psychic.

When you travel back in time, you learn a lot from  the old ruins, churches, breweries, monasteries and others. From the frontage, you won't see much history except an old church. As you get in deeper into the history, you will be amaze of what have taken place long before we arrived into this world.

If you travel to Malahide castle, you won't notice this strange building on the road side. Its a well which I have mention earlier. Just beside the St Doulagh Church. At medieval time, the water plate are pure and  and this particular well comes from nature, the over flow of the water lead to the next picture.

Strange right? This suppose to be full immersion Baptism. Now imagine you are there to be baptized during the 12th century. I think those days to convert Pagans to Catholic is very hard and if they want to do it, They will do it in Glory.

Front and back of the tree. This is called the 'Thorn Tree'. Trust me the locals here still believe in superstition just like most Eastern people. They never cut down any trees for a good reason and if the can prevent it, they rather  avoid every way. Here you see the a wall have to be reconstruct around the tree.
And in the old map you see 'Catherine's Well' beside here.
If you want to know what was the place you living in right now, you can go to
Try decoding this, click the above picture to find out more.

Imagine you were sitting there during the 18th century.

Sunday 15 September 2013

Meath The Castle Tour

In the olden days, if you have the guts to use your life as a betting wage, you could be King. Standing here at the cemetery, looking at the ruins of an old church could teleport your imagination to the days of Middle Ages of how they live.
Watching Indiana Jones movies could leads you thinking there's a keeper laid to rest in the coffin. Was trying look out for ghost or the holy grail but they don't exist  here As usual, doors and stairs are really small.

Occasionally you might bump into strange object around the cemetery, do you believe in voodoo or black magic? We saw this in 2 locations both are very old cemeteries. Who would have do this, what are they doing, why in the cemetery? With my experience on this kind of stuff, do not touch any of this or disturb it.

You'll be astonished if I tell you this castle have 365 windows, from wiki info. Do you believe in 'Feng Shui'?
I do, but for modern thinking, everything have to do with marketing. But no matter how much money they put in nothing works. Kind of a jinx for most castle except for few that make it big.

Guess what is this? It's actually a 15-17th century hospital and guest house, modern day 5 star Hotel and Specialist centre located in Trim.

Trim Castle, the largest Cambro-Normans castle in Ireland, love the magpie on flight at the right corner of the picture. Here in Ireland you see lots of Anglo Norman castle which originated from Wales, and if your name end up with Walsh or Joyce, you could be one of the invaders descendants.

If you did watch the movie call 'Braveheart' you wouldn't believe some of the scene were
made here in this castle.

Anywhere you go in Ireland for sight seeing, you wouldn't want to miss 2 things, The Church or the Pub. As for myself, I love the local butcher, if you near Athyboy drop in Brogans the family butcher. I can say they have the best steak sold here on this side of the county. But still cannot beat Savage of Carlingford.

If you are loaded, why not rent the entire castle to host your party here in Ballinlough, but not sure if they allowed that anymore. However, Kenny Roger and many big names was hosted here for concert. We were lucky as this castle is not open for public. There is a local charity marathon going on and we were so happen to pass by and drop in

The colors of mid September are changing dramatically day by day. Soon you'll see the beauty of Autumn colors in Ireland. Will be the best time to take photo.

Thursday 5 September 2013

Botanic Garden The Flowers & The Sculptures

Arts & Creativity have always been my second love since I designs Outdoor Living Gardens for the Irish weather...Funny isn't it. Ireland is not really blessed with hot summer. But we appreciate every time we feel the heat. Look like today will going to be roasting here.

Nature is very interesting, no matter what season, wherever you are, there are always beauty within your mind and soul. Just like flowers, you can sit there for hours reading a book and glance at the bed of flowers, your trouble seems to fade.

Some could be vibrant and some are dull, and if you wandered around the Botanic Garden in Dublin which is about 3km from city centre. A total environment changes, you might think you in the Garden of Eden.
The Garden is well manage by the OPW, and there are endless activities going on the entire year. I was lucky, I didn't know there was a sculpture exhibition going on.

When I first saw the picture on the left, I thought to myself, do you call this sculptures from afar. Then again, out of curiosity, I get nearer and to find out. Just like when Yoko paint an avant garde picture and paste on the ceiling,you hardly see what the hell it was. But a ladder was there. Moral of the story don't judge, just observed. Like my photography, videos, grammars and

I am not trying to prove myself an artist, sculpture or creative genius. It was when I am tired after walking for 2 hours, lay my back against the tree and realize the sun ray shining through the gap of leaves. Watching few wasps trying to get some sun tan buzzing under the rays. Took me more than  30mins to pin point her on flight. Feel like looking for a needle under the haystacks. Multiply the image 1000 times looks awesome.

You call this Art? or Sculpture.
No actually is a
barrier to refrain
people from
Well, this is. If you able to cross your eye and look carefully, you might able to cheat your mind into believing the strings are moving the trunks are popping out.

                       Here have a look at the video on all the Sculptor works right below video.

Nature's Beauty come in many forms. I don't know what its called but I find there are lots of character in it.

 Here a Sculptor and her Masterpiece, I called it the Floating Cornetto. She told me this wasn't suppose to be on the water. It was made to be standing by the edge of the pond. Somehow the reflection from the water create moving. Then she decide to place it in the pond. Sometime things are not meant to be like the Guinness or Lea Perrins sauce.

Take it easy, relax a little, immerse yourself into the world of emptiness. Be Calm Be Irish.

Leaves are changing colors, the first fall has started. Observes what nature tells you. Its the cycle of life. No matter how hard we tried, when it won't comes, it wouldn't. I've been through many seasons. Maybe, he is testing our limits. We just do the best we can.

The Flowers of Autumn Click the link here to see more beautiful flowers from Botanic Garden Dublin.

There are no strangers here, only friends that have not yet met.
William Butler Yeats -
 Check this out.

Wednesday 4 September 2013

Dublin The Southside Inner City

There are about 15 bridges in the Dublin city centre with a short distance from Heuston Station to East Link. Suppose to be a special link for the Luas rail and bus route to ease congestion. No idea what will they call this bridge. Presently the transport and tourism department used the name Priority Bridge.

It's very rare to see Dublin so bright and beautiful on a September afternoon, I guess we are bless and deserve it after all there are more rainy days ahead. Spend a few minutes here and see the walkers  passing by is very relaxing. Ok so we head for the Southside Inner city.

Read a fortune cookie the other day it says ' Alcohol can makes you happy, but can also makes you sad'. Can't figure out this fortune cookie. As far as I know Temple Bar Street have more Spirits than Spud shop.
Its the oasis of Dublin. Check in anytime you like, but won't check out until you piss. Because its pure fun.

What more can I say, the wall itself tells you the message. There are 2 types of tourist here, the first type are serious, carefree easy going and relax who stay away from the headbangers. So mainly tourist and yuppies having a nice afternoon tea and lunch.
The second type is hard core party animals. Take a look at the cobblestone road, you won't be surprise to see young ladies with high heel shoes and scantily wrap even its freezing in the middle of the night. Because they are hot. So basically mostly youngster.

Every where you pass, you sure to hear the real traditional Irish music. Real Irish food served in some pubs.  But nothing can beat the Fish & Chips, they even get a Viking there to promote their business after all they have been around for almost a century.

Business is very competitive nowadays, many businesses are trying to break even. By the way, a pint of Guinness is much cheaper than China or Malaysia. Not too bad ain't it.

There are many lanes in Temple bars, any one of them can lead you up to the main road and cross over to the famous Grafton Street where all the high class shopping area.

Michael Jackson once shop here, so do many celebrities. If there is a sale going on, you'll see 70% Chinese and foreigners in a frenzy shopping spree. Consider one of the most luxurious shop in Grafton Street. There is a village in Kildare that sells designers good. I ate to go there because they don't allow me to take pictures.

If without the buskers or performers in Grafton street, this street is pretty boring. After all everyone is trying to earn a decent living. Some are happy, chirpy, funny and some are sad. You'll see many things here in one walk. You will be asking question to some thing you seen. This is the good memory of Dublin city.

What would you do if you come across this? See the raw video below.

Having travel many countries, I can get the feel of Irish Compassion, maybe its the way of life and maybe it was the way they are brought up. Its really hard to go away without dropping a few change. That's the Irish Spirits. Many of the chess player are tourist, many drop a few extra change, I hope she can achieve her dateline. 

Grafton Street is under revamp for a new pavement.

Time to get this Iron Horse and get to my car, which is park a just out side the inner city. See the video for more Inner Southside of Dublin.

Ireland sober is Ireland stiff. James Joyce Click the top picture to see more pictures on video.
 Follow this video to see Dublin Famous Temple live every day...
EarthCam and the Temple Bar Pharmacy have teamed up to deliver exclusive live views of theTemple Bar section in Dublin, Ireland. This famous city spot is a major center for nightlife, restaurants and bars and is a must-see for many tourists.