Sunday 1 September 2013

Mystical Ireland The Exhibitions

When I was a little boy, my parents owns a coffee shop, I grew up looking at the advertisement which stick on the wall 'GUINNESS STOUT IS GOOD FOR YOU' and I can't figure out why would these people drink a bitter black stuff. Its kind of message implanted to my brain that someday I have to experience this country. Born and breed in Malaysia but travel round the world in search for myself. The question is 'What makes a Malaysian to promote Ireland?

You can call it a fate or maybe coincidence. Ireland is a very beautiful country. The first impression I had was the Irish are really nice, trustworthy and helpful. You can leave your door unlock, there are no gates or barrier to divide your neighbors. You don't need grills on your window. And if you in trouble the whole neighbor comes to your calling. After the influx of migration when Ireland join EU, the whole scenario change. That was the price to pay for the so call 'Celtic Tiger'. However, the hospitality and the friendliness did not stop the Irish to change. They are still the same today but with guarded conscious. I blame it on the mass inter-migration. Hardworking and opportunity seekers since the Famine, its in their blood.

Now it's the other way round, it's appalling to see thousand of Irish  migrating to faraway land in search for better opportunity. All this will end someday, and in their heart the tune of 'Danny's Boy' still humming. They will come back one day to glory.

What so mystical about Ireland? They've gone through worse time than the Celtic Tiger. The Famine nearly destroy the race but they kept on and flood the entire world with Guinness. They even have the ability to convince the whole wide world to celebrate St Paticks Day without organizing the entire continent, let alone Arthur's Day.

Promoting Ireland wasn't on my list cart. It comes natural when I lost my business when the tiger strikes. Like many Irish, I travel vastly around the country in search for jobs. There isn't any, can you imagine that. Because I design gardens, I can only work with my brains, I am no carpenter or electrician. What should I do. Everywhere I go I shoot, everything I see I shoot. I didn't realized I have thousands of pictures shot for the next 5 years since then. I need space for my hard drive, I can't afford a new computer. Something strikes me when I go though the files. I didn't realize Ireland was so beautiful in pictures. I was blinded by the economy. I didn't see beauty.

Here we go the rest is history, having secure one of the most prestigious golf resort called Tropicana in Kuala Lumpur to exhibits my works and a Malaysia top class Mega Shopping Sunway Pyramid.

 Proud to be Irish so says the patriotic words in every Irish. Never mind the Viagra which is first made in Ireland. As a matter of fact, I can beat my chest hard and says they have the best beef in the world. Don't talk me about Kobe Beef, its a marketing meat for yuppies like Vertu in mobiles. If you have tried the Irish Oyster especially from Clarinbridge, Carlingford or Morans of Weir you will never ever dare to mention New Zealand or Canandian stuff.

We not going to talk about the booze here, they have more pubs than anywhere in the world in terms of land size. Have you ever seen a pub right in the middle of nowhere in Connemara.
Your GPS don't tell you the drinking hole in the middle of a mountain but you can easily identify one when you come across. It is so isolated you don't see a single soul except sheep's and cows.  When nightfall, the farmers gathers around for a a pint, maybe few pints to wash the day.

You want to know something about Irish, they drink to everything, from childbirth to funerals. Don't ask why? See an Irish says 'Whats the Craic?
I like to take this opportunity to thank the Embassy of Ireland in KL, Enterprise Ireland, Tropicana Golf & Country Resort & Sunway Pyramid  follow link to watch video of Mystical Ireland

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