Thursday 5 September 2013

Botanic Garden The Flowers & The Sculptures

Arts & Creativity have always been my second love since I designs Outdoor Living Gardens for the Irish weather...Funny isn't it. Ireland is not really blessed with hot summer. But we appreciate every time we feel the heat. Look like today will going to be roasting here.

Nature is very interesting, no matter what season, wherever you are, there are always beauty within your mind and soul. Just like flowers, you can sit there for hours reading a book and glance at the bed of flowers, your trouble seems to fade.

Some could be vibrant and some are dull, and if you wandered around the Botanic Garden in Dublin which is about 3km from city centre. A total environment changes, you might think you in the Garden of Eden.
The Garden is well manage by the OPW, and there are endless activities going on the entire year. I was lucky, I didn't know there was a sculpture exhibition going on.

When I first saw the picture on the left, I thought to myself, do you call this sculptures from afar. Then again, out of curiosity, I get nearer and to find out. Just like when Yoko paint an avant garde picture and paste on the ceiling,you hardly see what the hell it was. But a ladder was there. Moral of the story don't judge, just observed. Like my photography, videos, grammars and

I am not trying to prove myself an artist, sculpture or creative genius. It was when I am tired after walking for 2 hours, lay my back against the tree and realize the sun ray shining through the gap of leaves. Watching few wasps trying to get some sun tan buzzing under the rays. Took me more than  30mins to pin point her on flight. Feel like looking for a needle under the haystacks. Multiply the image 1000 times looks awesome.

You call this Art? or Sculpture.
No actually is a
barrier to refrain
people from
Well, this is. If you able to cross your eye and look carefully, you might able to cheat your mind into believing the strings are moving the trunks are popping out.

                       Here have a look at the video on all the Sculptor works right below video.

Nature's Beauty come in many forms. I don't know what its called but I find there are lots of character in it.

 Here a Sculptor and her Masterpiece, I called it the Floating Cornetto. She told me this wasn't suppose to be on the water. It was made to be standing by the edge of the pond. Somehow the reflection from the water create moving. Then she decide to place it in the pond. Sometime things are not meant to be like the Guinness or Lea Perrins sauce.

Take it easy, relax a little, immerse yourself into the world of emptiness. Be Calm Be Irish.

Leaves are changing colors, the first fall has started. Observes what nature tells you. Its the cycle of life. No matter how hard we tried, when it won't comes, it wouldn't. I've been through many seasons. Maybe, he is testing our limits. We just do the best we can.

The Flowers of Autumn Click the link here to see more beautiful flowers from Botanic Garden Dublin.

There are no strangers here, only friends that have not yet met.
William Butler Yeats -
 Check this out.

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