Monday 12 August 2013

Carlingford the road to the North

In search for the best butcher, I travel the way up north east of Ireland. I am not looking for craftsmanship on how they display their products. I just wants to find the best meat. Don't tell me about Tesco, Superquinn , Sainsbury, or the local butcher in Dublin. Not up to expectations.

Mesmerized by the beauty of mountains surrounded Carlingford. We accidentally discovered Slieve Foy, the view is breathtaking.

I know you wouldn't believe it. Yes! there are leprechauns in Ireland, only if you can see them, Carlingford is a beautiful quiet farming village.

No we didn't expect to see a carnival out here, we were just passing by and so happen its the last day of Oyster Festival in Carlingford.

We better get moving as the weather seems not promising, stop by the road side to let the my little boys to have a pee pee and can't stop capturing the different shades of shadows and lights.

I have been standing in this spot capturing the different season for the past 7 years. Every pictures is totally different. I said to myself I will display the entire collection on this canal. Its one of the biggest man made canal in Europe, used to shipped coal to UK during the early 1700's.

Halfway between Carlingford and Newry lies a secret mountain with full of edible and poisonous mushroom. Kind of a ritual, as we love wild mushroom.

To many from the Tropical Climate, they might think what a beautiful landscape. Actually, the land are unable to plant much species that can withstand the climate and furthermore the soil is less than 1 metre thick in most places. Unlike the equatorial climate, they have vast land of virgin jungle. But for the benefits of individual richness. The supreme power Ministers destroy the land and sell the timbers with a pretense of boosting the economy by planting Palm Oil.

Would you want these to happen in Sarawak? Here, they really put every effort to grow trees and save the earth.

Time to head home, we found our nice steak, if you look for a job, don't waste your time, there ain't any.

These are the beauty queens of Carlingford having some fun.

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