Tuesday 6 August 2013

Sally Gap

Sally Gaps

I have always fascinated by the Irish nature trail although I am not a keen mountain walker but I like the heights. Getting there from Dublin airport takes about an hour of scenic drive. 

Trust me, you wouldn't want to drive up there during the winter season. Sally Gaps are consider one of the top 5 scenic drives in Ireland. Although the drive is straight forward, actually it is a long and winding road. 

Dublin Mountains

On the way up just pass Rathfarnham lies a beautiful spot that you can take some nice scenic shot of Dublin.

Travelling the mountainous road have to be extra careful as the road barely fits 2 cars, so try to enjoy the scenery. After all we want to take so nice landscape pictures.

It rare to see such a beautiful arrays of colors except dry summer with a plus from the sun rays shining to certain spot. No wonder, They choose this place to make the movie called Braveheart.

To be consider one of the top 5 scenic route in Ireland really live up to its name. Hardly to have 2 car space at some hidden corners.

You really need an eye for colors if you drives by the corners, the beauty of Ireland are always around the corner.

Sometime, you wish to carry a compact camera. Why? because when you standing at the edge of a slope which hardly have enough space to stand to capture a nice angle with your heavy gear, trying to adjust the depth of field ended up shaky or blur...Even a camera phone do a good job.

Genuine Free Flow Ales, sometime you wonder why Irish Beers, Cider, Ales or Stout are colored about the same as this river.

If you are new to this terrain, please be careful as the sign isn't that visible, a sudden slip you all the way down and no turning back. Never ever go near the slope when its wet....I came back with a nightmare after realizing how dangerous it was. I don't feel a thing when up there.

Its not surprise some of the GPS won't show you the Sally Gap, cos it up in the wilderness. An out of date won't do you any good. Watch out on mountain sheep. They could pop up in front of the round at the corner, go slow.

The Irish called this Fraughan slang(Freckin), type of blueberries grow on wetland top of the mountain, You be able to collect lots of them between last week of July and early August...Just about Galway Racing.

The wonderful Guinness lake will sure captured your attention. If you want to find the best place to relax, this is the best place that you need to visit near Dublin. The wilderness will surely fill your heart with gladness and satisfaction. Witness the way that water from the Guinness Lake runs deep through the Sally gap or rather the upper mountain view. Need a guide for more adventure scenic path....follow me.

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