Friday 30 August 2013

Glendalough the Glacial Vallley

A remarkable place that you can easily get inspired by the rich history and archaeological existing. Getting there itself is a wonderful scenic drive. Of course you can drive all the way up to the upper lake. But we park our car at the first entrance so we can walk the entire route about 1.5km which is not to bad. Before we get into the the land of Valley. Let me tell you something about the journey.

This time drove from a different route, which is one of the longest journey, crossing one mountain after another. One important thing which I like to emphasize on any journey. DO NOT discuss Politic, Religion or even Theatrical or Celebrities.. Stay neutral. I had a bad experience which is partly my fault from an innocent debate turns out nasty. So wear the T-Shirt in your heart KEEP CALM and BE NEUTRAL.

Crossing the mountain, you see many wonderful scenic place. I don't have any idea what you call this valley, what I know is from the look of it the river, it flows right to the Glendalough lake.

Here we are, a few pace from the car park. We have our daily ration which is nothing to shout about. Some ham and bread, rice pudding and cupcakes. Can't move without a nice hot Earl's Grey. Unlike Asia, places like this will be infested with hawkers and local produce. Europe eat your own. Look at the background mountain. That is destination we heading, all the way up to the Coal mining area. Looks like it gonna be a real long walk. I estimate about 3km or maybe more.

The weather is unpredictable, one moment a burst of cold sunshine, then comes the gloomy 50 shades of grey. That is Ireland, be prepared for all season if you on tracking. Before we stop, we did a fast briefing about the route. And this is my first shot on the 6th century monastery by the river.

After taking this short, its time to catch up with my family. Guess what, I lost them, I either bypass them or they were few hundreds steps ahead which is normal. T-junction left or right, we have our briefing, all the way up which is right. So I forward and as I go after them, split path way 1.4km and 1.6km to the upper lake, what should I do. I turn back to the last spot which is here. I don't see them. My heart was racing faster than my feet. I double up my speed and reach for the shorter distant which she have walk before with her family once. No joy, I kept walking, and try to relax a little as we been through may dangerous mountain, woods and forest. furthermore she is well experience,even if she lost, she can survive the forest as she knows all about edible plants, berries and mushroom.

After 1/2hr walk, I kept hearing sound faraway of my little boys. I guess they can't be far out. Rest a a few minutes as I was carrying more than 10kg on my back. Water, Cokes for energy,tripods, cameras and biscuits. I did reach for my mobile earlier, you know what, 'Murphy Laws' that was my biggest mistakes. Past the mangrove swaps, still no sign of them. Did ask passerby if they see them but none notice. I better stop asking otherwise they raise a false alarm and they call for search team. So I kept
moving forward.

Ok, gotta stay calm, try to relax a  little, don't want a heart attack in the middle of this first lake which is half way to the main upper lake. Guess she should be alright. I have full confidence on her as she grew up picking mushroom in her native land and see much bigger and densely populated forest than this. This is nothing, all along there path way, even wheel chair is friendly let alone buggies.

Stayed for a couple of minutes, in hope for she took the longer path which is 1.6, after this I tried to go the other path for 1/5 of the way still no joy. Turn back and headed back the same way I came, this time I slows down my speed as I am pretty confidence they are ok.

Take a short breath, take a short to relax my mind, nothing in it except can't wait to meet them halfway or the beginning of our walk.

What a relieved when I cross the bridge and see little Gabi rolling down the grass slope and was happy to see them in my heart. But my face still felt a little disappointed that I couldn't find them. Was pointing fingers on her for hiding away from me and do it on purpose because of the debating during the journey. I was wrong again. Over assumption, small heart and blame attitude, that was my downfall. In fact she did waited for me at the first bench. It was my blindness and my unresponsive or rather overlook on small detail and I can't even do it right.

Apologetic and shameful to myself. I am wrong all the way. The moral of the story is BE CALM BE LOVE.

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