Sunday 11 August 2013

Connemara Spinning the West Coast

Although its not one of the top 5 scenic drive, I consider it the 6th best known spin to see the North west coast. You will pass through many interesting villages. Keep your eyes open wide as you don't know when the mountains sheep jumps out. Visit the grand castle, see how peat was harvest, capture some amazing shots of the baked mountain and shoot all the Thatch house on your way.

There are many routes heading the to North West, I choose the smaller road heads out to Tuam instead of what the Gps suggested. Visit a young friend who was buried here at this cemetery. History says this was erected during the first half of the 13 century. And its called the Franciscan Friary.

The rugged beauty of the West coast are the low stone wall, you see it everywhere, story says the land in Ireland is full of stones, if you need to farm, first clear the stones. They have no where to get rid of it, so they build borders on their land, bridges  and stone house out of it. Different county have different stones, although it looks the same. The walls are actually stacks up one by one and no cement are used, works of a fine craftsman.

This natural landscape is peppered by a multitude of archaeological monuments that date back over six thousand years to the Stone Age. So watch out, you don't know what you stepping on.

Occasionally, you passed through many rivers and lakes. Keep an eye for anglers, they out there for the wild salmon and trouts. If you keen on this make sure you have a license to fish. You can get one anywhere in the local fishing stores.

Every road leads to Rome, you never going to get lost in Ireland, its rare that you get lost out in the wilderness here, plentiful of sign post, even your GPS don't work, best is, when you ask a local for direction, they helpful to show you your way, don't ask more than one as they have different routes. lol

No mosque or temples only churches in the west coast but lots of pubs, although many have closed down and yet still there are no problem getting a drink even if you in the middle of nowhere.

Here you  are, used to be a mansion for the rich farmer. Don't expect to find any food here except some sandwiches and that all. Even if you do find one, all you get is burger or fish and chips, unless you drop into one of the tourist spot. 

There are lots of Castles and ruins out in the west, you probably see one every 20km or more along the way. I can't be bother to go to every one of them as you either have to pay for getting in or its on private land.

Do you know where the Fcuk word came from? When Kevin Tan from Malaysia came here for a holiday, he relate this story to me when I show him the Yew Tree. Except this one is ancient supposing many hundreds years. Bows and Arrows are made from this kind of trees. Anyway the story goes like this, When you curse on someone or you see on the road rage, people stick their 2 fingers up to show the sign F you.
Well, during the French and English war, the soldiers have to used the two fingers to grip the arrow, and harness into the string from the bow and shoot. As they shoot they shouted Pluck you, because actually its plucking... As most soldiers during that time are illiterate or have hearing problems, it became Fcuk You. Today we don't hear much of this word as when someone swear he brings in his mother;.... for some tenderness I guess or lack of motherly love probably

Quite often you see some nice thatch cottages, although its pretty hot, roughly about 18° celcius, I guess inside this cottage must be freezing cold or some old folks living in there. The smell of bogs burning is so pleasant to your nostril except when some sudden breeze of cow dung comes along.

Ask yourself a question how on earth would someone live there..Actually there lots to do, you can fish or you can farm and lay back enjoy the beautiful mountains from your back yard and sail the lake on your front door. Tranquility and Peaceful.

 As you travel across the country you probably find some interesting things that you never thought of. Such as this petrol pump. There are no shop or garage. Behind it is a house. They are not selling fuel. Why the hell this pump come from?
 Here you are, a bus stand in front of a house, less than 3 feet and if you step out further you be mow down. I think the trend is catching up here in Ireland. I see many depleted house with fake windows or door. Maybe the council is too poor to upgrade the village frontage. Or they don't have the budget. Probably the frecking bankers and politicians spend all. God knows, could be better than plywood at least someone is creative enough to brighten up the day for photographers and tourist.

If you are really into photography or wanted to visit places at your own time and spend more time travelling to locate interesting places. You either have to drive your own or call me to show you around the country at your own pace. Going with day tours won't give you ample time for photography or enjoying the scenery much.

 John Wayne was here making the movie in the early 50's called 'The Quiet Man'. The film is notable for its lush photography and Irish country side. If you have a chance to you tube this movie and have a glimpse of it. I am sure you find it very funny and amusing. Here I am, standing the same spot where John Wayne once stand, now they have to cement the bridge as many have been taken away by tourist and antique looters. The original stones is all gone except those cannot be looted out.
John Wayne was here so do I Maxim Jalim

Check this video link here.  Connemara Drive

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