Saturday 10 August 2013

Galway The West Coast City

Only in Ireland you can have four season in a day. Greeted with a burst of sunshine, and by noon you have the rain then came the spring and lastly the winter breeze.

Putting up a night at an old village called Oranmore, Away from the busy town centre where the parking is expensive and scarce, you hardly find a spot.

I guess you notice that the forecast is getting gloomy let alone the business. Seems like its very quiet out here.

In Galway or fairly big town such as Dublin, Limerick or Cork. You wouldn't want to miss the joy of snooping around the eat and drink shop. You heard about Irish Stew but you hardly able to find one and even if you do it will cost you €14.00 or more, a total rip off.


If you looking for something nice to eat you normally google a little and try to find
what nice to eat. What normally pops out of your web are paid ad or web service companies that does the recommendations for those who pay the most. I suggest if you ask the locals. If you want fish go to Mc Donagh but I like Shish or Doner, I check out the in famous Turkish joint as my budget is less than €10. I can't get anything with that in a Chinese or Indian, let alone the Sushi. Here, at this tiny restaurant, I can say the best ever kebabs I ever tasted in Ireland.

Street photography is nice here as you see many masterpiece of huge graffiti, keep your eyes open.

Walking past the other side of the lane on my way to the Cathedral, can't help to  notice an Asian Lounge. Wow! first thing in my mind was comes across was the GRO's and Leslie Cheung, Alan Tang or Anita Mui music. Sneak in for a look and wanted to take some shots but was too dark, lighting was inadequate, and wouldn't like flash photography. Don't see much of a bar food; as the menu is more to the Asian taste. Expect some real Chinese food? Sorry to disappoint you, as its called the Asian Tea House, they served from Vietnamese, Thai, Malaysian to various neighboring country style cooking. Didn't have a chance to taste their food yet. 

Walk around Galway centre, there are many interesting places, probably takes about 4 hrs, you will see many interesting places, such as Spanish Arc, the port, and many more.

Arguably serve the best Guinness in Ireland, to me it makes no difference. A Guinness is a Guinness. The ambiance and the scent of the old cottage makes a lot more homely.

Getting wet and cold. Time to take a rest for tomorrow and  venture in the Great wild wild west and spin around the mountains of Connemara.

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