Thursday 29 August 2013

St Annes Park Dublin Garden of Eden

Nah! its not the Garden of Eden, I called it that because during Rox pregnancy she used to walk for endless hours before and after with the boys. Its a perfect place to walk at any seasons of the year. Situated less than half an hour walk from city centre on the coaster road to Howth near Clontarf.

I didn't concentrate on the regal landscape this time because I want to talk about Family Photography at the park. Here are one of the many entrance to the infamous Rose Garden which held yearly during July. There are many species and if you like still photography, better don't miss this area.

A rose is a rose so what? But than again, you wonder if you want to capture a still life picture, the question which rose you want to pick for the shot? Many will look for the vibrant perfect rose. Van Gogh can get a bunch of nice Sunflower to draw, but he didn't, some of the sunflowers are nearly dried and gone. I am not VG. I felt to make a an image pops out, you need reality not plastic flower look. So here you see a a petal imperfect. I don't want to go into technicality on how to adjust your camera. Even a camera phone can do that, its just the composition and the right light source with a sturdy hand.

I know, when you out in the park or garden, many will pop out the smart phone or camera shouting and calling the kiddies, 'look here' 'say cheese' 'show the peace sign' and many more you can think of. No, there's nothing wrong with it. But at the end of the day, most of your pictures turn up the same. Let your children explored, let your partner go freely as she likes after all its a casual walk, no stress, no orders, you do your part capture the moments and let the picture tell the story. Here the composition is about a two kids enjoying conversational play, mum is busy shooting in the background.

Portraiture at the park creates some dramatic effect, you don't need any canvas to give you a backdrop. The trees and the greens itself gives you a stunning backdrop. Try to lay back, observe every movement and plays create by the subjects, you will able to shoot a comfortable and yet innocent portraiture.

Foreground and background are equally important on landscape, it give you the impression of actually walking through the garden. You don't want to concentrate just on the subject itself like the clock tower but instead what you convey the message of imagination.

Extend your scope of awareness, somethings are not important but for archive or story telling purpose you just shoot, how often do you see a flower without leaves  grown out of nowhere from the ground notice the blurry stem, shows the wind is strong.

Sozhou Chinese garden in Dublin? Yes! we were lucky, in fact I didn't realize there was a Chinese garden here in St Annes Park. So if you out anywhere, talk to locals, be friendly. I met an old timer, I was walking fast trying to catch up with the kids. All of a sudden I look up the clouds at 30°, the clouds seems to be forwarding at tremendous speed. Thought my brain is was playing tricks, so there I discover brain functioning on fast walk looking down the walkway creates an illusion of motion. So I broke the ice and ask him did he encounter such thing, one thing lead to other he told me of a secret garden hidden behind the Clock tower.

Even you focus on photography, meantime, you can spend exploring the crafted shed and observed every detail of the craftsmanship. Although is a tiny garden, there is lots of character on it. we spend nearly an hour from meditation to harnessing the man made features. The bamboo is really therapeutic.

Back to nature, feel the pebble, feel the air, feel everything around you, relax and spend a few minutes thinking of nothing except emptiness, harness the nature that man created and kindly sponsored by the Government of China.... in the land that once belongs to the Guinness Family.

Think out of the box. Let the subject explore. Be every ready of her movement. Here you see a surreal pose that makes you wondering why the hand sticking out there and yet the image is odd but unique.

Time to say goodbye, as we encounter the sunshine, the rain, the coldness and the dusk in just a few hours. Next episode, Glendalough.

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