Sunday 25 August 2013

Tollymore Forest the first Northern Ireland Park

At the foot of the Mourne mountain lies the first forest park in Northern Ireland call Tolleymore Forest. If you into mountain walks or simply spend a lovely weekend enjoying the nature trail. You don't want to miss this one. Entrance to the park cost £4.50 per car, and if you feel like harnessing the nature and see shooting stars in the night, you can spend the night there at £16.50 per night. I might do that one day. I wasn't prepared for that as we were skeptical about finding the location.

Honestly, we have travel to the this part many times yet we lost our bearings many times. This is not the entrance to the Forest Park, its just an outdoor centre for people who wants to develop and improve skills. MLM people and students find this a very challenging place for ice breaking or improve your communication skills. If you in here you got the wrong entrance. Travel a mile down the road you find a little village call Brynsford, follow the sign.

Here you are, the humble entrance only good for one way traffic. Before entering, the structures already sent signal to your  imagination that you're walking into the past. Kind of a 17th century feel. I don't know why one of the side door are sealed. Do you?

Moment of truth, this forest is about 630 hectares of beautiful landscape and some bridges are not maintain or rebuilt, walkways are accessible for wheelchairs but you still need to carry if you have to go through some steps. See the Scots Pine on the extreme left, a very rare tree. Remember Titanic, many of the interiors woods are from this parts of the forest such as cedars, Pine, Red woods and etc.

Here we are, our first few hundred steps after passing the gateway to the forest. A small hesitant question arise from my partner. Do we really want to do it. There are four ways to track the trail, from 5.2 km to 13km.

   Based on our average walk, we do 1 hour for a kilometre on mountain climb. This is not a mountain climb so it would take us roughly 4 hrs to cover 5km. We opt for the shorter trail as the kids age 2 and 3 1/2 are not ready for such a tedious walk. But the well train to walk and play at the same time. They used more energy than us cos they running back and forth.

For photography and yet enjoyable walk, you find it very relaxing, no worries, no pressure, no rush and enjoy every thing your eyes can be fed. As usual mountain walk or just forest walk, the cokes are for the kids, it gives them hyper power, for us a bottle of water and some sweets to regain some energy. There are many hidden traps along the way. Watch out! Gabriel fell again, maybe its his walking motion or cheekiness, roots can be sprouting out of no where., stones could be slippery, soil can be soft if you steps on the wrong ones.

Camera phone and compact camera doesn't goes well in the forest. If you really want to get a good shot get a SLR. If you have no choice, always try to land your compact on good surface if you didn't carry a tripod and if you using a Iphone or Samsung make sure you have a sturdy hand and rest against a tree or a rock. Free hand shooting will end up regretting, take your time compose your shot. After all you on a mesmerizing walk, not shooting candids.

Robin Hood and Little John did not cross path here but I guess its about the same idea. Many trees have fallen, so in order for me to capture this shot. I have to climb up the soft soil, kind of a moss soil. I can hardly stand properly and slip downward to the stream along with my camera but was catch by this fallen tree. Phew. Reminds me of Klang Gates Malaysia, crystal clear water, unpolluted and drinkable except taste a little like ales.

Yes, we pick lots of blackberries on our way, better than chewing gums, you can't eat the red ones, they not ripe yet. Its good to know something about forest, many edible flowers, mushroom and berries can be eaten. But I am not sure about the left and right on the picture. I might try eating it one day. 

Many might just read a plaque and walk away, but I did stand there for quite long. My mind was wondering and asking lots of question. Is it during the early 18th century, the culture relies a lot on friendship or is it a trend? I think during the olden days people are very 'Yee Hei' in Chinese literally means Honour if I am not wrong. 
21st century are more to materialistic  If you successful or pretty well to do, you can see in your FB lots of appraisal and lot of nice comments and caring. If you broke or unsuccessful in life, even your own flesh and blood disown or ignore Anyway, that 21st century thinking. Forget about a bridge in memory of you. 

They can't be bother to sent you a bunch of flowers to your grave, what you get is a message RIP into your facebook. And you be forgotten in no time but then again, when they get a little piss, they bring out some funny ponders and what the person is. Sick but true, that is life, many just wear a mask just to pass through the day.

Move on, this is the bridge and memorable place for 2 good friends, I guess the 2 dome denotes the partnership.

Even there are 2 windows specially design for them 2 to watch the river flows and enjoy the scenic landscape.

Some tress are few hundred years old, I don't know anything about trees, but I am sure this one is really old.

 There are more than 10 bridges here. I didn't actually count them, but there are at least 4 broken bridges that never replace. Most of them have no names on it.

This is the only bridges with name. Parnell's Bridge.
Written on the sign was 'PLACES THAT TIME FORGOT'

Do not attempt and try copy these pose with your child if you are not prepared to jump down with your camera. They have been train on high terrains, mountains, rivers, and slippery hill walks. So beware, I will hold no responsibility on your action.

This forest is so unique that it looks the same everywhere you go, but in reality, I can't even explain how interesting they are. Only in the eyes of creativeness, you will see the differences. Every angle you see, every blink of the eye creates the beauty of mother nature masterpiece.

His life would be sacrificed, and spiritually sown into the earth.
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